Marjorie Williams

Marjorie Williams, 1905

Ph.B., Denison University

Citation awarded on Saturday, June 4, 1949

Marjorie Williams is the retired director of the Hollywood Studio Club, part of the National Young Women’s Christian Association, a position which she initiated, developed, and held for 24 years. Hers is a career which defies description except on several pages. She has made a home for more than 5,000 girls – Hollywood hopefuls, starlets and stars-to-be. Among the latter were Donna Reed, Zasu Pitts, Evelyn Keyes, and Linda Darnell, all of whom she served as confidante and counselor. She headed a guest house for over 12,000 service women during the late war. She is chairman of the National Support Committee of the National Board of the Y.W.C.A. for the Los Angeles area. She has traveled extensively in many countries and has just recently returned home to Denison to receive her citation.