Through the Knowlton Center, Denison provides countless resources for alumni seeking a new job.
We’ve listed some of our most popular offerings below.
Résumé Resources
- As you write or edit your résumé, keep these tips in mind.
- Similarly, writing a cover letter is critical to making a good first impression. Utilize these insights to improve your cover letter.
- For those needing a more detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), check out these points for creating a CV.
- Some job applications will also require a personal statement. Check out these guidelines for writing a personal statement.
- Be sure to create or update your profile on LinkedIn to be consistent with your résumé or CV. LinkedIn is also a great platform to search for potential jobs and strengthen your network.
Build Your Network
It is important to connect with people who can help you in your job search. There are many ways to do this networking.
- Utilize Ask a Denisonian, as well as Denison’s Find Alumni Tool on LinkedIn to connect with Denisonians with shared interests and career aspirations.
- Denison also offers many networking events with alumni throughout the world. For the next virtual or networking event in your area, see our Upcoming Events.
- For some quick tips for networking know-how, check out this guide.
LinkedIn Resources
LinkedIn remains a valuable tool when networking and job searching. Learn how to maximize LinkedIn’s benefits with these tips:
- Communicate effectively on LinkedIn
- Use LinkedIn to find jobs or internships
- Build your personal brand on LinkedIn
- Tailor your profile to meet your goals
- Use this checklist to ensure a complete profile
Career Advice and Research
You can contact the Knowlton Center and speak with our career counselors for all kinds of career information and advice. In addition, we also recommend these external sources for career research:
- The Muse for career advice, including information about interviewing, résumés and cover letters, and current industry trends
- Glassdoor for company reviews, salary reports, and interviewing sights
- for a detailed breakdown of salaries by job titles and location. Explore how salaries vary by industry, years of experience, company size, education level, and more.
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services provides information from the Department of Homeland Security on Visas, CPT, and OPT
Job Search Websites
For alums seeking jobs, here are a couple of job websites we recommend checking out.
- is a job site for nonprofit, social impact careers, grad school, and volunteer opportunities
- is a job site for careers with the U.S. government
- AfterCollege is a job site that lets you explore jobs based on your education
- is a job site focused on media-related careers