1831 Day – Toolkit for Campus Partners

1831 DayThank you for your partnership in helping to make this year’s 1831 Day a success!

Denisonians everywhere will celebrate the university’s 192nd birthday on Wednesday, Dec. 13. And we really think you are an essential part of the day.


On Dec. 13, you can:

  • Energize your specific groups’ alumni base and parents by encouraging donations on Denison’s birthday, aka 1831 Day.
  • Add a personal touch by sending emails from coaches, professors, or other prominent leaders within your group to help bolster support for your team, department, organization, etc.
  • Further your reach and reinforce your message by sharing Denison’s 1831 Day posts on your teams’ or department’s social media pages.
  • Share upcoming events or points of pride in your messaging!

Basic Messaging

  • On Denison’s 192nd birthday, we are celebrating nearly 200 years of “the home we love so well” with a gift toward (group name).
  • Just like a traditional birthday party, we’re inviting the people who mean a lot to us – like you! Join the party and support (group name) students by making a gift this 1831 Day.
  • Your generosity enables students to build the lives they want to lead, all while receiving a life-shaping Denison education. Gifts to (group name) on 1831 Day will help students in this journey of self-discovery to find success now and into the future.
  • 1831 Day is a unique opportunity to bolster your impact and show how much you care about Denison and the many students on The Hill.
  • The first 250 Denisonians to make a new gift of $183.10 will receive a special keepsake* to remind them of their continued connection to our “fair college on the hill.”

    If you are including information about the keepsake in your messaging, please utilize the following language: Under IRS guidelines, the estimated value of the keepsake is not substantial; therefore, the full amount of your gift may be a deductible contribution. Please consult with your tax advisor for additional guidance.

Group-Specific Messaging

  • Include pride points for your organization. For example, athletics teams could celebrate recent wins or previous successes.
  • Get alums and parents excited about the future of your organization! Mention future plans, initiatives, events, etc., to highlight all of the great work that your organization will be doing in the coming months and years.
  • Discuss how their gift can help you achieve your group’s goals! Whether it’s travel, professional development, or upcoming events, gifts designated to your group can help provide your organization with the funds you need to succeed!
  • For emails, consider adding a signature from leadership within your group. This could be from a coach, professor, student leader, team captain, or anyone who can provide that personal touch to your messaging.

Please contact Amanda Morrison (morrisona@denison.edu) in the Office of the Annual Fund if you have any questions or require additional operational support!

Specific Giving Links

Young students playing flutesThe information landing page for the Summer Tutti performing arts camp for youth with the giving link is:


Amanda Morrison

Senior Associate Director of Strategic Philanthropic Support

