Dexter Junkins Tight

Dexter Junkins Tight, 1912

B.S., Denison University

Woodside, Calif.

Citation awarded on Saturday, June 3, 1972

Dexter Tight is an industrialist whose work in nitrocellulose research pioneered the nation’s lacquer paint technology, and whose life and services were freely given to industrial, college, and fraternity life.

As president of the R. N. Nason & Company (paints and varnishes) from 1921 to 1947 and technical advisor of the Nason-Fuller Industrial Division of the W. P. Fuller & Co. from 1947 to 1955, Mr. Tight brought a personal leadership and technical ability that advanced the growth pattern of his industry. He developed and patented a number of formulas widely used under license in the manufacture of nitrocellulose coatings for application on wood and metal surfaces. He also developed and patented a screening attachment for sand mills used in the grinding of pigmented coatings. This introduced the lacquer finish technology for automobiles and furniture.

Throughout his career he has also shown a continuing readiness to work for Denison. For 28 years he was a member of the Denison Board of Trustees, involving himself in alumni and fraternity activities over a period reaching back more than fifty years.