Elenore Johnson Weber

Elenore Johnson Weber, 1920

B.S., Denison University

Toledo, Ohio

Citation awarded on Saturday, June 6, 1964

A community worker and volunteer whose influence reaches to people of other lands, Elenore Johnson Weber has positively impacted her community and women around the world.

Vice president of the YWCA of the USA and a United States delegate to the YWCA World Council meeting in Denmark last fall, Mrs. Weber has shared with women around the world such common social concerns as illiteracy, school drop-outs, urbanization problems, the social use of scientific developments, and the easing of racial and ethnic tensions. She has served as chairman of the group work division of the Toledo Council of Social Agencies and as a member of the local Mental Hygiene Association board, Family Life Education Association board, the Mayor’s Committee on Housing Improvement, the City Manager League, the United Christian Fellowship, the board of Community Relations, and the Community Chest board. Her work with the national YWCA and its Toledo chapter has embraced programs of personnel and training, basic standards, national support, college and university work, and the USO. She has also been a mainstay in Denison alumni and sorority clubs in Toledo and seen her two daughters and a son graduated from Denison. Her husband is a Denisonian and a Toledo investment broker.