John G. Turnbull

John G. Turnbull, 1938

B.A., Denison University
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

St. Paul, Minn.

Citation awarded on Saturday, May 31, 1969

Dr. John Gudert Turnbull is a recognized labor economist whose teaching and research have made him a valued advisor and consultant to state and federal government agencies.

Professor of economics at the University of Minnesota and visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and other institutions, he is a long-time colleague of Walter Heller, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors under President Kennedy.

Former consultant to the European Economic Community in Brussels, Belgium, Dr. Turnbull early distinguished himself with his writings in labor economics. Notable among them were the articles “Economic and Social Security” and “The Changing Faces of Economic Security.” In 1957, he became a consultant for the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Since then he has also served as a member, Advisory Council on Employment Security, State of Minnesota, 1958; chairman, St. Paul Fair Employment Practice Commission, 1958-63; and chairman, Manpower Planning Committee, State of Minnesota, 1964. His recent interests have led him to an interdisciplinary approach into the economic development in Western Europe, funded by the Ford Foundation. He is a contributor to a forthcoming volume on the changing structure of Europe.