Richard C. Harman

Richard C. Harman, 1935

B.A., Denison University

Citation awarded June, 1991

Richard Harman’s life and work are marked by honesty, sportsmanship, integrity, and industriousness.

He rose through the ranks of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, retiring in 1977 as assistant treasurer. Along the way he received several awards, most notably the Spirit Award of 1975.

His service to his community was characterized by the same charitable spirit. He has chaired membership and financial drives for, and been an active participant in, the YMCA, the United Way, the Boy Scouts, and his church.

Dick’s two brothers are Denisonians, as are his three children. While on campus, he was president of his fraternity and captain of the basketball team. He has returned to Denison every year since his graduation and he has served on fund drives and several times as president of the Akron Alumni Club.