Theodore A. Bosler

Theodore A. Bosler, 1956

B.A., Denison University
M.B.A., Northwestern University

Vice President (Retired)
Lincoln Capital Management
Chicago and Scottsdale, Ariz.

Citation awarded June, 2006

Ted enjoyed a successful 35-year career in investment management before retiring as vice president of Lincoln Capital Management Company. During that time, the company grew to have more than $45 billion under management. Since 1997, Ted has been a trustee of 13 mutual funds managed by William Blair and Company, LLC, in Chicago.

Outside his professional career, Ted shared his expertise as a member of several boards, including Medical Care America, the Kellogg School Advisory Board and Thresholds, a Chicago not-for-profit psychosocial rehabilitation organization. He currently serves as president of Crystal Downs Country Club in Frankfort, Michigan.

In Scottsdale, Ted has played an active role with the Desert Foothills Land Trust as board member since 2001 and chairman of the Fund Development Committee since 1999. He participated in the purchase of 500 acres in a canyon just north of Scottsdale, building on an interest in land preservation that stems from the 1980s when he joined the Board of the Crystal Lake Watershed Fund in Northern Michigan.

Ted gets much of the credit for recent dramatic changes to the profile and demographics of Denison’s student body. He learned of the Posse Program through a close friend, saw the possibilities of what the program and Denison could do for each other, and encouraged us to become a partner school. Posse works with inner-city high schools in Chicago and other major cities to identify students with strong college potential whose life circumstances stand between them and any hope of college. Participating colleges and universities each send a selection committee to put together a “posse” of ten students. Each posse stays together for intensive mentoring by Posse staff until they leave for school. Upon their arrival on campus, trained faculty members take over the mentoring role. Denison now has enrolled four Posse classes from Chicago and one from Boston.

Ted is a veteran Denison volunteer. He served on a number of reunion committees, the President’s Leadership Council and Harris Tight Huffman Society, was the National Planned Giving Chair in 1999-2000, and served as president of the Chicago North Alumni Club. He credits Denison with being a major factor in helping him mature and be successful in his career, and treasures the lifelong friendships that started on campus 50 years ago.