Regional Network Volunteers

Regional Network Volunteers

Do you love your city? Do you love Denison? Help us grow the Denison community in your city by joining our regional network!

As a regional network volunteer, you’ll work directly with Denison’s Alumni & Family Engagement team to plan events in your city, encouraging greater engagement among Denisonians there. By enhancing your Denison support system off The Hill, you’ll feel like you’re back on The Hill — all while having fun, feeling rewarded, and honing new skills.

You’ll serve as a key point of contact for alums who move to your city, helping you all build connections you might not otherwise have made. You’ll have your finger on the pulse of what’s happening at Denison, with access to information and resources to empower you to be an ambassador for your alma mater. And you’ll gain valuable leadership experience, networking opportunities, and the chance to help Denison shape programming in your region.

Bring the excitement of campus to your local sports stadium, art gallery, restaurant, or service event — possibilities abound for gathering and fortifying your Big Red ties, no matter where you live.

We are currently building regional networks in the following cities:

Don’t see your city listed? We’re coming to other cities soon! Contact Gary Fleisner, associate director of regional and lifelong engagement, to express interest in expanding the network. In the meantime, check out all the other ways to volunteer.

Frequently Asked Questions

As part of its mission, Denison’s Alumni & Family Engagement Office fosters lifelong engagement for Denisonians, across generations, cultures, and distances. In addition to all the exciting events that draw alums back to campus, such as Reunion, alums can enjoy the magic of Denison off campus, too, through regional events and opportunities. The Denison Regional Network empowers alums to build connections with one another, in their own cities, while strengthening ties to their alma mater, expanding their skill sets, and having fun along the way.

As a regional network volunteer, you’ll be a founding participant in an exciting new initiative to expand the Denison experience across the country. You’ll gain leadership experience, enjoy networking opportunities, and serve as a central point of contact for Denison alums just arriving in your city. You’ll work with Denison staff, have early access to information and resources, and feel a sense of satisfaction knowing you’re building a special community of support, in the city you love.

Regional network volunteers will collaborate as a committee to host at least four events per year in their cities, including service projects, family-friendly events, arts or sports outings, “Welcome to the City” receptions, or participation in the Denison Everywhere festivities that occur each January. While volunteer involvement is scalable to meet a variety of time investments, basic expectations include participation in planning meetings, completion of subcommittee tasks, good communication with the Office of Alumni & Family Engagement, and performing hosting or other logistical duties at the events planned.
Regional network volunteers are expected to serve a two-year term.

A regional network volunteer committee will include a chair, vice chair, communication coordinator, early engagement coordinator, and general members. Please find additional details in the role descriptions below.


  • Lead regional volunteer meetings and be the main liaison to Alumni & Family Engagement staff.
  • Work with vice chair to develop upcoming events and programs for the year.
  • Serve as primary Denison representative in your community.
  • Assist in planning and coordinating events.

Vice Chair

  • Act as chair in their absence.
  • Work with chair to develop upcoming events and programs for the year.
  • Be primary event planner for regional events (logistics such as finding venue, ordering catering, etc.).
  • Oversee regional budget and administrative documentation.

Communication Coordinator

  • Draft and send emails to area Denisonians for all regional events.
  • Take pictures at events and send to Alumni & Family Engagement staff.
  • Compose texts and stories about events when requested by Alumni & Family Engagement.
  • Post event information and pictures on social media as needed.

Early Engagement Coordinator

  • Be main point of contact for young alumni in your area.
  • Take the lead on planning the “Welcome to the City” event for new alums.
  • Support send-off parties for new students and families.
  • Send welcome messages to young alums who recently moved to the city.

General Member

  • Support regional event logistics and communication.
  • Help provide ideas for events and programs in your city.


Gary Fleisner ’13

Associate Director, Regional and Lifelong Engagement
